How to Read Your Bible

We all want to read our bibles, but it can be difficult finding where to start! We believe the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are a great place to begin your bible reading journey. After that, you can continue to choose whichever books you may want to read. Spending time with God daily is one of the most important practices of a Christian.

A great way to read your bible is the R.E.A.P. technique.

R - Read

Read with an open heart, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you through the scripture. Try not to overthink it. Simply read the text and interact with it. Underline or circle repeated phrases or parts that stand out to you. Mark it up.  

E - Examine

Reflect on the text. Choose a key verse from the passage. This is a great time to use your journal to write down what sticks out to you.  

This part is focused on “What is God saying here?” To help find the answer to this question, spend time thinking through some examining questions.  

-What is happening in this passage?  

-Who are the people involved?  

-What is a truth being taught?  

A - Apply

The most important thing about reading the bible Is applying what you learn when you read. To know what you need to apply from the scripture, you can ask yourself these two questions:

-How does this affect the way I will live going forward?  

-What are things in my life that need to change in light of this truth?  

P - Prayer

Prayer is a great way to sandwich your time reading the Bible. As you finish your encounter, pray for God to help you apply what you have learned. Pray for God to change your heart and life moving forward so you would continue to spend intentional time to grow and connect to him.